Do you need advice from a specialist?


Our specialist partner can offer you all the support needed to start your journey towards green energy, from purchase to construction.

ev connect

EVConnect is among the first developers in Romania of a network of charging stations for electric cars and among the best in offering charging solutions for electric cars and software for the management of charging stations. Our mission is to help build a future where transportation is sustainable by providing the best solutions for charging electric vehicles.



Telephone: 0754 631 068



ev connect

At Solarlink, we scale, design, market, install and commission high-performance photovoltaic systems for your home or business. We are committed to being with you every step of the way, from your project to becoming a prosumer.

In addition, we monitor the PV system throughout its entire lifetime.

We don't just sell state-of-the-art PV systems, we deliver convenience and transparency. We do our best to keep you as fully informed as possible, help take the pressure off and help you make a decision to your advantage.



0791 757 565 / 0791 SLR LNK



ev connect

Ago Proiect Engineering offers advanced solutions for energy efficiency and climate neutrality, adhering to all standards. The company helps residential users and businesses access funding for the ecological transition by providing services in auditing, design, consulting, technical assistance, and project execution in solar energy, public lighting, green mobility, and electrical infrastructure.

The showroom in Cluj-Napoca (68-70 Fabricii street) offers charging stations for electric cars and electric utility vehicles for businesses.



Telephone:  0720 040 254 / 0771 395 902

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